Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"This Is Your Brain on Football" Part 2

Reading more on this topic was article titled Ted Johnson's Brain on Football by Robert Sanchez. In this article Sanchez shows how a star player from the Patriots Ted Johnson went from being a top linebacker, to being addicted to pain killers and suffering memory loss. When he went to go see specialists they found PCS (post-concussion syndrome) which can lead to dementia and Alzheimer's  disease. From being hit and having several concussions, Ted Johnson would then suffer for the rest of his life. 
Another article was written by Jane Leavy titled The Woman Who Would Save Football. In this article it talks about Dr. Ann McKee who is also doing research on the effects that repeated hits in football can have on the brain. Her studies are finding the same thing that Dr. Omalu and his team found, buildup of tau proteins in the brain. She has also found early damage in the brain of  18 year old's who were playing football as well. Once again she has tried to get the word out, but has been met with harsh reviews and doubt. 

What does this mean?
Could this be the end of the NFL? Although met with criticism of the research. More and more pathologists are finding the same evidence. It is not just the huge helmet to helmet hits, its the small sub-concussions over a players career. There are even studies that are looking to see if steroids may cause CTE in combination with concussions. With more and more evidence coming to light the NFL needs to accept what is going on, and take more initiative to help curb the problem. I believe education is key. Coaches need to be educated on what the risks are. If the players are formally educated on the risks, many may choose not to play, it may not make a difference to some. It is only fair that players are educated so they can make that decision. Maybe the game will need to change, and stricter rules put into place. Overall it has become an issue that has to be addressed not swept under the rug. 

1 comment:

  1. Malloree:
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