Friday, September 14, 2012

Youth Sports

In class on Monday we had a presentation on the different disciplines in youth sports. Jerico talked about the biology discipline, in how the birth-date affected youth sports. In a Study he found it talked about how for kids that were able to get into the All-Stars teams and play better were kids that were born in the earlier part of the year from January-June. He then talked about another study that said those same kids by the time they reach high school usually aren't the best anymore, and the ones that weren't all-stars come up and pass them.  I thought this was interesting, I liked what he said that in sports a lot of success is dependent on working hard. So you may have some kids that have the natural talent, but you also have the ones that are going to work as hard as they can and still succeed.
Joe talked about the psychology aspects in youth sports. He talked about the Expectancy effect. which looks at the motivation of an individual and how they behave. It was kind of like I mentioned before those who put more time into a certain sport will do better. Joe also mentioned that those who get the extra attention were better than everyone else. He then talked about some characteristics of people who do well in certain sports. Two that stuck out to me were motivation and ambition. You usually have to have these characteristics in sports if you want to succeed.
Robert talked also talked about psychology. He talked about kids that get to involved in sports (specialize at a young age) usually don't want to do it anymore. So in the article it talked about how parents need to listen to what there kids want, and let them play a variety of sports until they want to specialize in a certain one.
Wesley talked about how kids are playing sports at a younger and younger age. This can sometimes cause chronic stress in kids and that they also shouldn't specialize until high school.
Akshondre talked about the business side of recruiting in youth sports. He told some stories of young kids who had be recruited at a young age, and by the time they got to college they were no longer in the spotlight. He talked about that recruiting has changed a lot over the past years.
I thought this group brought up some interesting ideas to think about with kids sports. I like how they talked about the different disciplines that you can find.